Assembly of First Nations: Correspondence from the National Chief to All Chiefs

Assembly of First Nations

AFN is an advocacy organization, taking direction and fulfilling mandates as directed by First Nations-in-Assembly through resolutions.

Correspondence from the National Chief to All Chiefs

Thursday 05 September 2024 02:27 PM UTC+00 | Tags: news

Dear Chief,

I hope you are all well and having a good summer.

Further to previous notices, I am pleased to provide an update on planning for this fall's Special Assembly on Long-Term Reform of the First Nations Child and Family Services Program. 

I remain very grateful to Chiefs across this country for inviting me to their communities to have a dialogue about the historic agreement we reached with Canada in July. Over the past few days, I have been meeting with Chiefs in British Columbia. Next week, I will be in Ontario and Manitoba.

While many Chiefs have told me they are eager to support the Draft Agreement, the AFN Executive Committee agreed to provide more time for Chiefs to review the Draft Agreement. With this, we announced plans to delaying September's Assembly by a month and rescheduling for the second half of October or start of November.

Today, I can confirm the AFN Executive Committee agreed to host the Special Assembly October 16-18, 2024, on Treaty No. 7 territory in Calgary, Alberta.  The previously scheduled September date will be dedicated to a virtual information session with Chiefs on the draft Agreement. You can expect to receive details and information on this session soon.  

In addition to providing more time for Chiefs to review the agreement, this extra month provides us with an opportunity to develop some agreement amendments that reflect the feedback we have received to date, particularly related to regional representation on some of the oversight committees being proposed. This extra month will also provide us with an opportunity to circulate a breakdown of how the $47.8 billion will be allocated to First Nations across this country and invite Premiers and their Ministers to be part of this discussion.  Chiefs have made it clear they want provincial governments to be present.

I am so proud of Chiefs from coast to coast to coast for participating in this meaningful dialogue about creating a better future for First Nation children and families.  We continue to be an Assembly united behind a common belief that First Nation families should be empowered to care for our own children.  Together, we can create child welfare system in Canada that promotes prevention instead of rewarding the apprehension of First Nations children.

For more information, including key resources and materials on the Draft Agreement, please visit the AFN website at or contact


National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak



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