Table 1: Results for the Implementation of CATSA's Mandate:
The following table identifies key performance indicators (KPIs), which correspond to the organization's performance in the management of its mandated operations. These KPIs are reported to the Senior Management Committee and the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis for their oversight and management of the organization's performance.
Given the sensitivity of this performance category and its associated results, this data cannot be included in a public document.
Performance measure | Target | 2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | Comments |
Wait Time Service Level (WTSL) | 85.0 % | 94.0 % | 98.2 % | 91.6 % | Overall, 91.6% of passengers waited 15 minutes or less to be screened in 2021/22, which is well above the annual target of 85%. |
Definition: Wait Time Service Level is the percentage of passengers, on average, who waited less than 15 minutes to be screened at Class 1 airports, on an annual basis.
Performance measure | Target | 2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | Comments |
Security Screening Procedures | 96.0 % | 95.3 % | 96.2 % | 94.8 % | Overall, 2021/22 results for consistency in Security Screening Procedures were slightly below target. CATSA continues to work with Screening Contractors to achieve and maintain a high level of consistency. |
Definition: The evaluation by Performance Officers of screening officer performance according to SOPs and regulations related to Canada's eight busiest airports' PBS screening equipment (explosive trace detection, hand-held metal detector, walk-through metal detector and X-Ray) and screening techniques (physical search of persons and bags).
In the Public Interest
Performance measure | Target | 2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | Comments |
Overall Experience | 85.0 % | 87.0 % | 90.7 % | 89.4 % | CATSA concluded its year with an average Overall Experience of 89.4% over the last 9 months. Note that due to the pandemic, no surveys were conducted in Q1 of 2021/22. |
Definition: The percentage of passengers surveyed who express satisfaction with their overall experience with security screening at select busiest airports. Calculated from results of completed passenger surveys. Satisfaction is defined as answering 5, 6 or 7 on a 7-point scale survey questionnaire.
Table 2: Results for CATSA's Corporate Objectives
The following table identifies CATSA's key performance indicators, which correspond to the organization's performance in the pursuit of its main corporate objectives.
A. Service Excellence
Given the sensitivity of this performance category and its associated results, this data cannot be included in a public document.
Performance measure | Comments |
Effectiveness | Given the sensitivity of this performance category and its associated results, this data cannot be included in a public document. |
Screening Efficiency | See Table 1 - Efficiency |
Passenger Experience | See Table 1 – In the Public Interest |
Performance measure | Target | 2021/22 | Comments |
Availability of Screening Equipment | 99.63 % | 99.68 % | Screening equipment availability exceeded the target in 2021/22. |
Definition: The percentage availability for all major screening technology platforms at Class 1 airports calculated as the overall average of: average by platform, by month of [(Available time – Unscheduled outages) / Available time].
B. Diverse And Engaged Workforce
Inclusive and Diverse Environment
Performance measure | Target | 2021/22 | Comments |
Turnover distribution by designated groups | Women: 44.2 % | Women: 50.0 % | This measure is aimed at monitoring whether employees of designated groups are exiting the organization at a rate disproportionate to their proportional representation within the entire employee population as at December 31, 2020.CATSA's Employment Equity Plan details strategies for awareness and to promote and retain employees of designated groups. |
| Aboriginal Peoples: 2.2 % | Aboriginal Peoples: 2.8 % |
| Members of Visible Minorities: 20.9 % | Members of Visible Minorities: 22.2 % |
| Persons with Disabilities: 1.8 % | Persons with Disabilities: 2.8 % |
Definition: The distribution of members of a designated group (Women, Aboriginal Peoples, Members of Visible Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities) among indeterminate and fixed term employees who left voluntarily, this excludes students. |
Workforce demographics | Women: 48.7 % | Women: 45.8 % | As compared to the previous year, representation increased in three out of the four designated groups, with the exception of Aboriginal Peoples with a slight decrease. CATSA will continue its efforts in 2022 to further reduce the underrepresentation of the designated groups. CATSA's Employment Equity Plan details strategies for awareness and to promote and retain employees of designated groups. Data is collected on a voluntary basis from CATSA employees.The current participation rate is 98%. |
| Aboriginal peoples: 2.5 % | Aboriginal Peoples: 2.0 % |
| Members of Visible Minorities: 24.8 % | Members of Visible Minorities: 21.7 % |
| Persons with Disabilities: 9.0 % | Persons with Disabilities: 1.8 % |
Definition: Representation rates of a designated group (Women, Aboriginal Peoples, Members of Visible Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities) among indeterminate and fixed term employees, with the exclusion of employees on long-term disability and students. |
Effective use of both Official Languages in CATSA workplaces | 75.0 % | 70.5 % | CATSA has seen an increase of 2.1% of employees who meet the language requirement of their position over the last year. |
Definition: The percentage of fixed-term and indeterminate employees that meet the language requirements in positions designated as bilingual. |
Employee Engagement and Support
Performance measure | Target | 2021/22 | Comments |
Employee Satisfaction | Stable or upward trend | Stable | Nearly nine in ten (89%) employees who completed the most recent survey in 2021 indicate they are satisfied with their job. The results have remained comparable to results observed during the previous three rounds conducted. |
Definition: Through employee surveys, CATSA employees have the opportunity to provide comments and feedback, share ideas and ask questions of senior management. |
Absenteeism | 12 days/ employee | 7.3 | CATSA is well below target with its absenteeism rate which can be explained by an increased number of employees working from home and having more flexibility on their overall schedule for appointments and caring for family members. |
Definition: Average number of work days missed due to illness by indeterminate employees during the year. Illness includes days taken on short-term disability but does not include long-term disability. |
Annual Attrition Rate | 8.0 % | 8.0 % | Although CATSA has historically been below the target rate of 8.0% per year, this year we closed the year exactly on target. Attrition has increased recently in light of the current labour market. |
Definition: The percentage of employees who left the organization voluntarily. |
Transformative Leadership
Performance measure | Target | Comments |
Active support of creative approaches to continuous improvement, innovation and collaboration | N/A | - The successful launch of CATSA's Innovation Centre will enable the organization to embed more innovation best practices across its business to further improve efficiency, effectiveness, and passenger experience.
- Completed a major update to the Performance Measurement Framework, which is intended to improve the corporate reporting to senior management and the Board of Directors.
- Completed the evaluations of various UV- bin disinfecting technologies and bin cleaning solutions. A new system will be integrated with the bin return such that the CATSA Plus line will automatically turn on the UV-C system only when the bin system is running.
C. Effective Partnerships
Industry and Government Collaboration
Performance measure | Target | Comments |
| N/A | - CATSA's Board of Directors held a strategic retreat with industry stakeholders and Transport Canada to discuss industry recovery and priorities for the next five years.
- CATSA engaged Transport Canada and industry on COVID-19 issues and CATSA's role in the verification of passenger and non-passenger's vaccination status.
- CATSA consulted with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) on COVID-19 related health and safety measures.
Community Relations
Performance measure | Target | Comments |
Information, Outreach, Collaboration and Cooperation | N/A | - To improve the accessibility of screening operations, CATSA continued to work with advocacy groups for persons with disabilities to ensure that the organization's processes and procedures address the needs of all members of the travelling public.
- CATSA continues to educate passengers on current biosecurity measures through public communications.
- Engaged Heathrow Airport on efforts related to COVID-19 and future plans for equipment deployments in both countries.