Old Port of Montréal: Wings Over Water 3D

Old Port of Montréal

Wings Over Water 3D

Wednesday 07 February 2024 05:07 PM UTC+00
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Documentary, 39 minutes  -  Ages 3 and up. 

The wetlands of the North American Great Plains are a place like nowhere else in the world. These vast and largely unknown water highways are an oasis for all sorts of plant and animal wildlife, including millions of birds!

Wings Over Water 3D is a compelling story of three amazing bird species —the Sandhill Crane, the Yellow Warbler and the Mallard Duck— that takes you on a bird's-eye-view adventure across an elaborate network of wetlands connected by rivers, lakes, and marshlands.

Explore a year in the life of these remarkable birds, from the migration of adults back home to the prairies to the birth of their hatchlings, and watch these young birds spread their wings for the first time before flying south for the winter.

Meet the multitude of other animals that also inhabit this vibrant ecosystem and discover the role they play in it as well as the inspiring people who work to protect it every day.



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